Wednesday, December 30, 2009

3rd brain

Had a 3rd brain radiation.
Not getting help from, no one has mentioned, no smoking mentioned today.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2nd Treatment on brain

Had my 2nd treatment 12/20/09.
My Dr. Georgiou was off holiday so his Associate had marked up for lung treatment Wednesday.
Don't try how to twice in one day.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My 1st brain treatment--Update

When I begin I do not hope I will lose my memory.
I took the Gibson County small van--cost $10 roundtrip.
(22) or (20) treatments or Last of January, 2010.
Took 1st Radiation brain treatment Dr. Georgious at Jackson Cancer Center. This Doctor took all of time I took to talk. Took about (20) minutes. Half-way in left head & right head.
Cannot take steroid medicine because of hiccups.